Steeple Raising!

Hi, Liberty Hill Baptist friends, from Jim and Barbara Little. We have been volunteering here in Toccoa, Georgia, at the Georgia Baptist Conference Center since we left Tennessee. Ken Hogan and his wife Ruth are also a part of the volunteer group here and Ken (who has been working on your church faithfully) shared some awesome photos of the placing of the steeple which took place on April 16th.
This is the first chance I've had to come on line since our duties here at Toccoa have kept us busy. However, we did want to get them posted for you all to see.
Ken wasn't sure whether Lynn was more excited about the steeple placement or the placement of a decent pot-a-potty for the ladies! (Photo bottom right)
The men raised and set the steeple...what a landmark day this was...
A beautiful sight...
1 Corinthians 2: 9
"No eye has seen, no ear has heard, no mind has conceived what God has prepared for those who love him."