Trusses & Siding

Monday, April 13, 2009

This week begins with the arrival of 26 new volunteers, some who came in last night and others who drove in just in time for breakfast before hitting the road to the work site. These new folks come from the following places in Tennessee:

8...Winchester, Manchester, and Lynchburg

5...New Johnsonville and Waverly

13...Lewisburg, Flintville, Kelso, and Fayetteville

To say that their arrival brought smiles to the faces of connected with this building project is putting it lightly!

Kudos certainly should be given to a group from Ardmore, Alabama who returned today for more hard work! These guys (sometimes as many as 6 or 7) have driven 39 miles (one way) each day for at least 5 days so far to lend their expertise to the project.

According to my crude calculations, these guys already have driven enough miles to be 3/4 of the way to where Jim and I have a lot in Texas on Lake Fork, the biggest bass lake in Texas, and once there, they could be sinking hooks instead of fastening hooks from a crane to trusses which is what they were doing in the collage below.

While some of the workers were setting trusses on the small building, another group was adding siding to the larger structure.
Others have vital jobs that require some "hurry up and wait time." While Lynn and I were spending some of our wait time, we discovered a huge tree that had been uprooted on the church property during the tornado. (top photo on the right) I had Lynn stand at the same level as the bottom of the tree resting on the ground so one could get a sense of just how powerful this storm a year ago must have been.
However...when duty calls, everyone who has been patiently waiting, hops into action.
(Above)Pastor Nave has boarded the tractor and is heading towards one of the trusses that is now ready to be lifted by the crane. He has to use this machine to help position the steel waiting to be lifted.

(Below) The lunch crew prepared a noon feast and then "chilled out" until it was time to feed the multitudes.
This afternoon I returned to the site to find that Mike and Rene Croy from Ohio have joined the team...that brings the total of new volunteers up to 28 for the day!

Everywhere I looked, I found more and more progress being made.

Just a little human interest attachment today...especially for all of those with grandchildren. When Everett and Joyce returned to Ethridge last night, they were accompanied by their precious granddaughter, Ella. Being a grandparent myself, I just couldn't resist taking some shots of our youngest volunteer...and what a helper she has been! John 15:15

"I have called you friends."