Building the Stage Area & Baptistry

The Week of May 3, 2009

On Friday, May 1, a tornado struck within 3 miles of our rebuild site. Another Baptist Church, Union Valley, was destroyed along with major damage to barns, outbuildings and homes in the area. We changed from our Baptist Builders shirts to our blue Disaster Relief shirts and went into the disaster mode to assist several homeowners in the stricken area.

This week our church family and friends arrived from East Tennessee. Seventeen volunteers from First Baptist, Greeneville; Nina Baptist, White Pine; Tusculum Baptist, Greeneville and Concord Baptist of Mohawk. It was an exciting week to see the stage area being framed. Then the baptistry was prayed over by the volunteers and placed in the altar area. Overhead insulation was worked on and the soffitt on the front of the Fellowship Building was completed.

During the day, at 10:00 AM and 2:00 PM, the volunteers stop their work and have one minute of silent prayer for the church, its members, Pastor and co-workers. (Note: we covet the prayers of you who read this blog, and would love for you to join our prayer time at 10 and 2 CST.) Devotions were held each night with singing by Guy Davis and Bill Ball, members of First, Greeneville. We were truly blessed with the testimonies and scripture that were shared during these services. Our hearts were saddened as the “home folks” left after lunch on Friday.

The next week started with new volunteers arriving from Knoxville and Piperton TN on Sunday, May 10. With the help of some of these volunteers, we FINALLY got the church in town where we are staying hooked up to the city sewer system. If you have been here before, you will realize what an exciting event that was!!

The other volunteers are continuing with the altar area framing, the insulation and soffitt work.

God truly sends people each week who carry on His work at the rebuild of Liberty Hill Baptist as a lighthouse on the hilltop.