Liberty Hill Baptist Church: A Look Back & a Look to the Future

Greetings from Ethridge, TN, where right at noon on April, 11, 2008, a tornado swept down from the sky and, in seconds, destroyed the Liberty Hill Baptist Church.

The storm may have destroyed the physical elements of the church, but with the guidance of Pastor James Nave and his wife Corinne, the congregation has seen their faith in the Lord and their hope of rebuilding become a reality.

Through the efforts of Baptist Builders, headed by George and Margaret Bradley and Everett and Joyce Willis, and with the sponsorship of the Holston Baptist Association in Johnson City, Tennessee, preparations began at the temporary home of Liberty Hill at the end of March for the arrival of building volunteers from Tennessee, Georgia, New Mexico, Alabama, and Virginia.
First on the list of chores is the preparing the temporary church's parking lot for the volunteers who have RV's. For those volunteers who need a room to bed down in after a day's work, the rooms inside become bedrooms. Having a well stocked pantry is also important as there will be many meals that will need to be prepared.

Finally, everything is in place at the temporary church, the rains have stopped, and work can begin at the new church site. Concrete is poured and then, on the morning of April 3rd, walls begin to go up.

John Worley reviews the blueprints with Forrest Boring.

And…by the 4th of April, 2009, 11 months and 3 weeks from that fateful day, Liberty Hill Baptist began to take on a new look…

Jobs behind the scene are important, too...meal planning, preparation, and serving, water and snack distribution at the job site, laundry, etc.

Matthew 17:20-21

"...if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, 'move from here to there' and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you."