A Day of Worship

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Sunday in Ethridge, as it is all over this wonderful land, is the day to refresh the body both spiritually and physically. After attending worship service in the morning and having a picnic style lunch afterwards, everyone went their separate ways either to nap, shop, or whatever.

During the morning worship, John and Lynn Worley, from Acworth, GA, presented the special music through guitar and singing. This seemed to have opened the door wide for others to want to share their love of the Lord by sharing their talents. So, at the evening service tonight, Jim Little from Artesia, NM prepared a trumpet solo; Lynn, Joyce Willis, and Margaret Bradley joined together to share a song and from there...the night was set...the walls of this temporary church for Liberty Hill Baptist were shaking and rocking with the hymns of praise that poured forth either from the whole congregation or from small groups! What a wonderful experience was shared this night!
At the end of the service, Joyce asked that we gather around Pastor Nave and his wife Corinne and pray for them as they lead this church to a new glorious rebirth.

Corinne then asked that the ladies stay up by the altar as she shared a beautiful rose with each of us from a bouquet she had been given.
Matthew 18: 20
For where two or three come together in my name, there am I with them.