A Lot of Protection

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Though today started out quite chilly with occasional gusts of wind, the building crew was out on the site by 7 AM ready to tackle completing the roof of the larger construction and beginning the layout for the smaller building.

One of the first challenges that "arose" today occurred when a gust of wind caught a stack of metal roofing panels sending one sheet toward a group of workers causing one volunteer to fall to the ground and tearing a hole in the jeans of another.

Quickly a plan B sprung into action...have someone stand on the edge of each stack of sheets until they could be lifted to the roof for placement there! Not exactly a job that one thought they would be accomplishing today, but a very necessary one, at least for a while until the wind decided to settle down!

When I go to the site to take photos of the progress being made, I am always in awe, not only of the physical structure taking shape, but of the agility and bravery of those on the rooftop. They move around so gracefully and athletically that I wonder if for a time they forget just where they are.

On ground level, there are many jobs taking place, too. Rod, Jim, and John spent the day marking and laying out the bottom and top end wall tracks so that tomorrow the end wall can be erected.
Just before noon, another almost catastrophe occurred when Ken Hogan's grinder caught on the threshold of a doorway he was grinding out and jumped over to middle fingers. Since Ken had just taken off his leather gloves to get better leverage as he was working, his bare middle two fingers were being grinded out! Ouch!!!!

Though John Worley rushed over to the scene to give out temporary emergency care, it wasn't until Ken arrived back in town for lunch that he received the expert care of former nurse, Lynn Worley.

Ken didn't let this minor inconvenience dampen his willingness to serve as he joined the rest of the crew back out at the job site for the afternoon.

Psalm 121 1-4

I life up my eyes to the hills-where does my help come from? My help comes from the Lord, the Maker of heaven and earth. He will not let your foot slip-he who watches over you will not slumber...