Stand and Wait?

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

17th Century poet and author, John Milton, once said, "Those also serve who stand and wait." This could aptly describe a large chunk of the morning and mid-afternoon out at the job site. It's not that the workers were actually idle, it's just that they were waiting for the large crane to arrive, get prepared, and then lift the end wall of the small building. For those who have never witnessed such a procedure, it certainly is a sight to behold. So many seemingly small jobs hold much importance and have to be completed before the larger one can even take place.

Measure, mark, and drill the bottom and top end wall tracks.

Attach the tracks to the beams and then secure the side channels.

The volunteers clear a path to the small building which enables the crane to maneuver into position. Now it's time to wait for the crane workers to do their jobs.
And...we wait...
The big moment has arrived!

There she stands!
Unfortunately, no one with a camera was around when John Worley played like Spiderman and climbed up that standing wall to take off a beam. Maybe tomorrow when they hoist up the other side wall!

Joyce brought lunch out to the building crew and they finally found time to break for their meal around 1:30.

The rest of the afternoon was spent getting the next side wall ready to lift on Thursday. Time seemed to slip away from everyone and it was 6:30 before most of the crew arrived back at the temporary church which gave them just enough time to clobble down dinner and get to Wednesday night service at 7:00.
This was what one might call...a long, but good day!
Psalms 46:10

"Be still, and know that I am God: I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth."