The Walls Go Up!

April 9, 2009

One hears how easily walls can cause the destruction of relationships and keep us from connecting with each other. However, building and raising walls (3 of them!) today at Liberty Hill Baptist Church, cemented relationships and sent pride rushing through the veins of anyone lucky enough to be present!

Preparing the 2nd side wall...(yesterday the other side wall was raised)
Excitement abounds as that 70 foot wall with a peak of 35 feet is successfully raised by a crane and approximately 15 men...the smallest group yet.
With that wall successfully up, the men busily prepare the east end wall...(notice in the middle photo how Rod is having to work without being able to see exactly what he is doing! Talented and skilled are these men.)We women decide to sit back and relax on the swing set as the guys work...which seemed to cause the men to grab their cameras, if only for a moment.
With 3 standing walls, it was time to serve the men some lunch.
By the end of the day, the last wall on the small building was standing! What another blessed and successful day!

Just a couple of side notes about God providing exactly what one needs...

The roofing crew had finished the work they came to do and had departed until they were needed again. We mention this because in addition to their primary job, they also pitched in when the other crews needed a little extra manpower.

With their departure, there was some concern that we might be shorthanded in the coming days, but our constant prayer (one among many) has been that God will provide what we need for each day.

Some of Pastor Nave's neighbors showed up yesterday to help, and they proved their worth in a very short time. However, they have other work to do, so we weren't sure whether they would be able to return today.

You can imagine our pleasure and excitement when we saw them rolling in again this morning to take up where we left off last night!

And then, a neighbor from down the road showed up to see if he could assist in any way. His house had been blown away during the same tornado that destroyed the church. His friends and neighbors had pitched in to help him rebuild, and he saw this as an opportunity to repay their assistance.

With the crew that we had left and the addition of these three workers, we had exactly enough help to complete the job that we had scheduled for the day...fewer would have put a huge strain on everyone, and there wouldn't have been room to maneuver if we had any more. Yes, God does provide what is necessary to do His work each day!

An indispensible part of the crew, although he is not a volunteer, has been our crane operator, Mr. Hensley. During a break yesterday he told Pastor Nave that his daughter was in a coma and that the doctors weren't sure whether she would come out of it, and he asked for prayers from the church and the volunteers. Still, because he felt obligation to the church project, he stayed on the job throughout the day to get the first wall raised...without him, that part of the job couldn't be completed.

By evening, the doctors had given his daughter only 48 hurs to live, so today he was gone to the hospital to be with her and we had a substitute operator, however, our thoughts and prayers continue to be with him and his family.

Psalm 127:1

"Unless the Lord builds the house, its builders labor in vain."