Week of May 11, 2009 - East TN meets West TN

This has been a very productive week of finishing up the framing inside the Sanctuary Building, completing the overhead insulation and getting the exterior doors installed and completing the odds and ends. We are now working on the electrical and as soon as that is completed and inspected, we will be ready to hang the sheet rock.
Piperton Baptist Church, Piperton TN, sent 10 men and 2 women to serve the Lord in the construction of Liberty Hill Baptist Church in Ethridge TN on May 11 – May 15, 2009. Our pastor, Bro Thomas Foy, who planned to come, had to minister to a church family due to death. All of the men have been on multiple mission trips and are so willing to help others in many capacities. God has blessed them with construction skills and a love for missions – Jimmie Cobb and his wife, Louise, are actively involved in Nail Benders, a church building group based in Arkansas. Jimmy Bennett is a sheetrock expert, and a third Jimmy - Jimmy Johnson is talented and willing to help with anything. Our youngest team member is Bubba Smith – family man with 5 children – is quiet but dependable and is a certified electrician. Wallace Dawkins has experience with woodworking, water and septic tank work (and is “full of laughter”). His wife, Sandy, a nurse, came to help with cooking and cleaning. Ray Godwin is a lifetime carpenter, a work-a-holic and not afraid of any height. Pete Rhodes is a longtime mission team member and so useful with those long legs. James Holcomb, a past member of this church, is a hard worker, and familiar with this area where he has bought tack for his mules from the Amish. Rodney Owen, a fairly new Piperton member, and Dan Torvik – retired from AT&T - are both skilled electricians. Each of these team members want everyone to know that all work is done for the glory of Almighty God. He is the source of our strength and the motivation to go show others His power and love.

During the same week, Mt. Olive Baptist Church from Knoxville TN sent a group of 12 volunteers to Ethridge to help with the Liberty Hill Rebuild Project. This group of volunteers from South Knox and North Blount counties represent the following churches: Mt. Lebanon, Madison Avenue, Nance’s Grove and Mt. Olive. This was the first disaster relief trip for some, while others are veterans of several trips, mostly to the Mississippi Gulf Coast to help rebuild after Hurricane Katrina. During the three years after Katrina, Mt. Olive sponsored trips to the Coast every 2 or 3 months, taking teams of 15 to 25 volunteers each. Like all the other trips, this trip to help rebuild Liberty Hill includes volunteers with a variety of skills. The volunteers all have the essential characteristics of a willing heart and the desire to help those in need. This group has received countless blessings in their ministry to others.

Building the Stage Area & Baptistry

The Week of May 3, 2009

On Friday, May 1, a tornado struck within 3 miles of our rebuild site. Another Baptist Church, Union Valley, was destroyed along with major damage to barns, outbuildings and homes in the area. We changed from our Baptist Builders shirts to our blue Disaster Relief shirts and went into the disaster mode to assist several homeowners in the stricken area.

This week our church family and friends arrived from East Tennessee. Seventeen volunteers from First Baptist, Greeneville; Nina Baptist, White Pine; Tusculum Baptist, Greeneville and Concord Baptist of Mohawk. It was an exciting week to see the stage area being framed. Then the baptistry was prayed over by the volunteers and placed in the altar area. Overhead insulation was worked on and the soffitt on the front of the Fellowship Building was completed.

During the day, at 10:00 AM and 2:00 PM, the volunteers stop their work and have one minute of silent prayer for the church, its members, Pastor and co-workers. (Note: we covet the prayers of you who read this blog, and would love for you to join our prayer time at 10 and 2 CST.) Devotions were held each night with singing by Guy Davis and Bill Ball, members of First, Greeneville. We were truly blessed with the testimonies and scripture that were shared during these services. Our hearts were saddened as the “home folks” left after lunch on Friday.

The next week started with new volunteers arriving from Knoxville and Piperton TN on Sunday, May 10. With the help of some of these volunteers, we FINALLY got the church in town where we are staying hooked up to the city sewer system. If you have been here before, you will realize what an exciting event that was!!

The other volunteers are continuing with the altar area framing, the insulation and soffitt work.

God truly sends people each week who carry on His work at the rebuild of Liberty Hill Baptist as a lighthouse on the hilltop.

Up With The Interior Walls

Sunday, April 26 – May 2

A team of eighteen volunteers from the following churches of North East Tennessee;
New Fellowship Ministries Baptist, Church Hill,
Sullivan Baptist, Kingsport
Westview Baptist, Kingsport
First Baptist Surgoinsville,
Fort Robinson Baptist, Kingsport
First Baptist, Church Hill
First Baptist, Rogersville,
Pleasant Grove Baptist, Mountain City
met at 6:30 AM EST and with tools loaded on a trailer headed for Liberty Hill. Arrived between 1:00 and 2:00 PM CST. Jim Ramey, our leader, held a meeting to organize who would be taking on what task on Monday morning. He asked for volunteers to prepare the snacks and cold drinks each morning. Jim met with the three ladies on the team and asked if they would mind being in charge of the kitchen due to Joyce, the lady who has been doing the cooking, had to leave to go home for the death of her mother. The one thing you need to be on a trip like this is flexible. God always sends the right people and works out every detail before we even know what is going to be needed.

Monday morning, the schedule showed breakfast at 7 AM. The ladies had decided they would set their alarm clock for 5:30. That would give them plenty of time to have breakfast ready by 7. Breakfast was served as scheduled 7. After breakfast was finished, the bus was loaded, and the men were off to the job site. The men had packed their lunch ,along with 12 lunches for the 12 men from Tusculum Hills Baptist of Nashville. What a wonder these men had accomplished in the morning hours. As Jim says, “It was glory!” The building was almost insulated, the vent cap was being installed and the men were beginning to work on the walls.

Tuesday morning, the earlier risers still rose but God had given us such wonderful weather. After breakfast, it was to the job site and more 2 x 4s went up to start forming the rooms of the church. That night James Shackleford blessed us with devotions on Moses and the Israelites.

Wednesday, we all rose up to a wonderful day. The men would be tired in the evening but would wake up ready to go to work in the morning. The Bible tells that God is our strength and He has truly proven that to us this week. You can now tell where the classrooms, bathrooms, etc. are going to be located. Oh how wonderful when God loves us so much he makes sure every little detail comes to our mind. The men had to stop working a little early today because the team would be traveling an hour to New. Zion Church, which is located near Pulaski, for a meal and Wednesday night worship service. They must have thought they were feeding the multitude because it was unreal the amount of food the church had prepared for us. It was a wonderful time. .

The week is going by quickly and the church is really showing all the hard work everyone is putting into it. It is already Thursday. . We continue to be blessed by church members stopping by with food plus other local church members. Brace Baptist Church brought Thursday night’s supper and as all the others it was wonderful. Everyone has been so friendly and have touched us in so many ways. Our devotions were in Nehemiah about how God gave Nehemiah a plan for rebuilding Jerusalem just as God has given Liberty Hill a plan for rebuilding. God is surely with this rebuild and has great plans for Liberty Hill. The devotion was ended with the singing of Sweet Holy Spirit. Plans are being made by the team for the departing Saturday morning but God will surely be in this place as we return home. And another team will be arriving as always that is in the Lords plan.

April 23, 2009

APRIL 23, 2009

George, Margaret and Joyce went to Florence AL to pick up supplies for installing insulation. Work at the job site went on as planned.

APRIL 24, 2009

Pastor James and George left early in a tractor trailer back to Alabama to load the lumber for inside walls. We were very tense and worried that day as it was late when the returned. As the picture shows, the lumber shifted to one side. The Lord was truly watching over them as finally the truck rolled in to the church work site in late afternoon. Later that evening, a tractor trailer rolled in with a load of insulation on it. There were seven of us left here to unload all this insulation for both buildings. The Lord took care of each one that day as this was a very long day of labor, but the Lord always knows best. Evening was short as bedtime approached as all of us hoped for a good night’s rest.

Steeple Raising!

Hi, Liberty Hill Baptist friends, from Jim and Barbara Little. We have been volunteering here in Toccoa, Georgia, at the Georgia Baptist Conference Center since we left Tennessee. Ken Hogan and his wife Ruth are also a part of the volunteer group here and Ken (who has been working on your church faithfully) shared some awesome photos of the placing of the steeple which took place on April 16th.
This is the first chance I've had to come on line since our duties here at Toccoa have kept us busy. However, we did want to get them posted for you all to see.
Ken wasn't sure whether Lynn was more excited about the steeple placement or the placement of a decent pot-a-potty for the ladies! (Photo bottom right)
The men raised and set the steeple...what a landmark day this was...
A beautiful sight...
1 Corinthians 2: 9
"No eye has seen, no ear has heard, no mind has conceived what God has prepared for those who love him."

Wednesday, April 22.2009

THIS WEEK OF April 20 was another week of progress for the rebuild of Liberty Hill Church. We have Pastor Clay Austin of First Baptist of Blountville Tn, along with 5 members. And Jeff Griffin and Chuck Johnson of Calvary Baptist of Erwin,Tn.
They have worked on finishing the outside walls, roof and softfit on fellowship building,also the steeple was erected on main building which is really nice it can be seen afar.
What a wonderful Lord that we serve as work is to start next week with another group of 27 coming in to start inside walls and insulation.
Everett, George and Roby have gotten the RV sites ready with water, sewer and electricity. We have 2 RV’s staying at the work site and coming back to the church for their meals that are prepared each day by Joyce.
Roby McBride, who also is a great addition to the work being done, is here for 2 weeks.
This man is truly a man with a servant’s heart.
Margaret is getting more calls daily from volunteers asking to come and help. She keeps us all together and in line. There is paperwork always and she knows where, who,and how to get it done. What a amazing skill and always willing to serve.
It is awesome how the Lord sends few numbers on teams, but the quality of work that can be done, so that more teams come and do another job. Everyone who is involved has a job to do.
Sadness is always a part of this work,as people come and then leave,it leaves you with a sense of loneliness and very thankful to have met them and you know in your heart that God puts them great folks along our paths throughout life.
This Saturday we will come to say goodbye to a couple who have been here 3 weeks to help with the steel structure. We are so grateful and thankful for John and LynnWorley, of Acworth Ga as they have so graciously served the Lord with their talents and knowledge that He has bestowed to them. We wish them blessing from God and will truly miss them.
May they know that our prayers and best wishes go with them, along with hugs and sadness in our hearts because we are all the family of God.When we respond to a crisis,it is not just because of the need, but because the Lord wants us to touch people’s lives, to care for their hurt and show His LOVE and COMPASSION

Making Progress

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Today is the last day Jim and I will be in Ethridge helping with the rebuilding project for Liberty Baptist Church. Therefore, as we say good-bye to our "home" here, it just seemed appropriate to add photos of where we lived and what we saw as we traveled from the temporary church to the work site.

First, our neighborhood, our home, and tools of choice.

The Greyhound bus depot is at the corner of 43 and Clarksville road, where we turn to head to the new church site. This particular day the "parking lot" was rather empty, with only two carriages, a wagon, and 3 horses. We have learned that the Amish use the bus to travel to farther off destinations, leaving their buggies and horses for the return home.
As one travels the posted 45 miles per hour down the narrow, winding road towards the church site, it is prudent to be ever ready to brake as one never knows whether around the bend there will be slower moving vehicle. I clocked these modes of transportation several times as I waited to pass them and their average speed is 5 to 6 miles per hour.

One day as I was leaving the site to return to work on the journal, I had the good fortune to meet buggies coming and going. I must confess, I almost ran off the road grabbing my camera for the shot on the right!

Another hazard of the road are the huge buzzards (vultures?) who daily take their meals from the roadway and they do not like to be disturbed. In fact, they will not take flight until a vehicle is right upon them. Keep in mind that I was quite a way from this creature when I took the picture so he is much larger than he appears here.

I also included the photos of the buggies on highway 43. It's easier to pass them in this situation as they travel on the shoulder.

It has been another very cold day here in Ethridge, with the high this morning in the low 40's. When you add in the wind, it made for some uncomfortable working conditions. However, always being resourceful, the volunteers quickly had a fire going...at least it was a place they could go when they needed some heat.
One crew spent time putting channels on the roof of the smaller building while other crews worked on the siding of the larger structure.

By late afternoon the progress made this day was outstanding! We (Jim and I) have enjoyed our time here in Tennessee. As Jim has told many of the church members, "Tennessee sent Texas some really good hands when we had our dust-up with the Mexican Army back in 1836. As native Texans, we thought this would be a great way to return the favor to our Tennessee brethren."

Thanks for the memories...Jim (jimlit@hotmail.com) and Barbara (littlebarbara1516@hotmail.com)

Hebrews 3:4

"For every house is built by someone, but God is the builder of everything."